Sunday, September 15, 2024

Haunting ...

"It's the fear of the past repeating itself that haunts you."

Perhaps it is a belief in after life that reduces my fear of death. Accepting I have no control of my time on earth, worrying about the future is minimized. Maintaining a sense of power, I have choice as to how I perceive the unfolding of the present. Then there is my painful past that looms large, tainting all that I say. 

Life delegates rich opportunities and my heart soars. Then my ego kicks in, whispering to my inner child, recalling times when hope turned to sadness. In my head, I know this is a wound that needs to be healed, and yet I am so vulnerable. Fear is a thief, stealing joy from divinely offered situations. 

Outcome depends upon the strength of my inner core. It works best if I send my ego to go sit in a chair and hug my inner little girl with assurance of adventure. Requesting guidance from Spirit and trusted guides, I move forward open to the lesson needing to be learned. It may be difficult or disappointing, but I will not be stopped by fear.


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