Friday, September 6, 2024

Crevices ...

"A secret freedom opens through a crevice you can barely see."

When we fall short of our goal or neglect to stay the course, it is easy to criticize and shame ourselves. How different our experience would be if we reacted with kindness and loving tolerance for human error. If we would respond with understanding and patience just like we would for a friend, our ability to advance would heighten.

The ability to accept our flaws allows us higher energy to explore even our darkest cracks hiding the past or what we are avoiding in the present. It is within these crevices that we reclaim our power and bring light to what needs to be healed. Embracing our limitations, oddly offers us a true sense of freedom.

Entering into closed off spaces, we begin to understand our automatic reactions to people, places and things. Everything that we have repressed taints our view of the present and limits our sense of ability. Bringing fresh air into what has been closed off reduces fear and welcomes fresh insight leading to authentic living.


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