Saturday, September 14, 2024

Without Damage Or Harm

"Be who you are and say what you feel because 
those who mind do not matter and those 
who matter don't mind."
Dr. Seuss 

When pulled out of our comfort zone, we do better if we have a place to express our fears, concerns, and expectations. Whether anger or grief presents, retaining it impacts our health physically, emotionally and spiritually. Writing is free, private and disposable. We do not have to be creative or perfect in any way. It is a readily available outlet.

Without censorship, our inner thoughts flow. We can let it all out as no one is listening or viewing the written word. If we are embarrassed by what we write, it can be immediately discarded or burned. When our writing is saved, however, it becomes a learning tool as we look back and become aware of the progress we have made.

There is no need for perfect punctuation or precise grammar. Let all feelings spill out remembering that phrases or snippets of pain can be splayed across the page. Some are not good with words, but enjoy doodling or sketching as worries pop up in the mind. Writing is the perfect way to give voice without damage or harm.


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