Saturday, September 7, 2024

Strengthening Moral Compass

"I have learned that as long as I hold fast to my beliefs and values,
and follow my own moral compass, then the only expectations
I need to live up to are my own."
Michelle Obama

Morals may change as we face new experiences in life or obtain broader awareness of others plights. Our set beliefs may expand as we step outside of our educated or emotional thought patterns while witnessing reality in our world. Human behavior cannot always be predicted, and either strengthen or weaken our belief system.

A moral compass monitors our sense of right and wrong and differs from one person to one other. It assists us when we are faced with challenging decision making. It nudges us from within when we are faced with judgments that may stand against our moral code. Our inner guide can be challenged by politics, religions and social codes.

Moral codes begin to take definition in childhood whether through punishment, reward, acceptance, or developing belief systems. We begin to notice injustice outside of ourselves, which increases our sense of values. Our personal moral code impacts how we engage with our lovely selves, others, and society. It is imperative to know where we stand.


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