Tuesday, September 3, 2024


"Hold my hand forever, and never let it go."

Holding hands can be a silent acceptance that stabilizes fear of the unknown. It offers a connection to safely move forward without ownership or possession. It can be a part of a love language between mother and child, husband and wife or simple soul sister recognition. It is a symbol of unlimited friendship and love.

Grasping one other's hand, we can curb our sense of facing the world alone. The union offers a sense of belonging and connectedness which all of us needs. It is an action suggesting forward movement. It portrays inclusion and triggers memories of joy while strengthening a sense of trust.

Personally, I find holding hands as act of intimacy. Especially now, being blessed by a romantic relationship, entwining fingers sends the message of acceptance, appreciation, and respect. Being highly sensitive, handholding offers me an exchange of energy suggesting that he and I will be forever more. 



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