Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Pleasure in Passage


"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember,
involve me and I learn."
Benjamin Franklin

Desire rises to the surface and we experience an element of excitement. We feel alive again and eager to start planning. Emotions become entwined with speculation and we feel propelled towards a goal. Perhaps we pray for assistance, but the key ingredient is the energy we create to follow through.

The pathway to our desire may require sacrifice, courage, and vigilance. Constantly aware, we avoid pitfalls of fear and doubt. Darkness may hover, but we continue to move forward determined to succeed. Our consciousness begins to evolve as we learn more about ourselves and the life we yearn to live.

We may be inspired by what we learn, but taking direct action brings desire into the realm of possibility. Initially, our desire is mentally triggered, but physical action brings it into reality. The more we engage, our energy increases and we advance towards the goal. Reward awaits us at the end, but the pleasure in passage can be monumental.

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