Friday, August 23, 2024

Trust The Process

                                         "Behind the clouds is the sun still shining."                                                                            Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

A balance is required between darkness and light. If there were no dark skies, think of the
aggravation from penetrating light. Vegetation would dry up as well as our brains being overly stimulated. There must be a pause to rest and regroup, to let information and insight settle in. Constant light would blind us from hidden meanings, opportunities, and assessment.

Contrarily, wallowing in perpetual darkness is not beneficial, either. Remaining too long in the depths of sadness creates a sense of disconnect from people, places and things. Perhaps if we view darkness as a rest period and light as time for action, we will align our time so it can be flexible between the two.

Perhaps the key is to remember that no matter how dark the sky, the sun is brightly shining above. We are called to have faith in the unseen and patience within stillness. We can remind our bodies of this transition by placing our bare feet upon the ground, while our head is elevated towards the heaven above.

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