Sunday, August 11, 2024

Blur ...

"Alice replied, 'I know who I was when I got up this morning,
but I think I must have been changed several times since then'"
Lewis Carroll 

There is great comfort in knowing who we are at the core, but also knowing that we must be flexible with our presence. Perhaps, we are one person out in the world, but an entirely different person in our home. If we do not learn to utilize all aspects of our self, we will rigidly proceed rather than flowing forward.

Then there may be speculation as to how many aspects of the self have been stifled while pouring all energies into one vein. If there is only tunnel vision, ignoring diverse parts of our inner being, a toll will be taken in both our physical and mental stability. There is nothing more freeing than the sense of being whole.

Stories abound as to how we don't have the time or the money or the skill to follow through with inner desires. We say we are too tired when actually once engaged in a creative project, our energy moves so quickly it becomes a blur. The power exists within to free the self from the rigidity of singular thinking.


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