Saturday, August 31, 2024

Stress, Anxiety, and Unhappiness


"Remember that stress, anxiety and unhappiness does not
come from what is happening in the world, but from our
thoughts about what is going on."
Tao and Zen

It is time to unpack the causes for my clenched stomach, stiff neck, and monkey chatter brain. My thoughts of fear and lack of control are seeping into physical symptoms. I am challenged by inability to face the violence in the world, hoping that if I stay perfectly still, all will be well. 

It is hard to accept that I do not have control in the happenings of the world, but I do have control as to how I react to them. If I choose to turn off the news, skip hateful posts, and restrict time spent with those who do not stimulate me, my personal power tends to expand. When outside forces appear, I can choose to be safe in my quiet space within.

Holding myself accountable, when I am ______ (fill in the blank), I have the ability to make corrective responses. Acknowledging my inadequacies, I can shift focus as to how I can gain  corrective measures and release my fears. It is said that we are what we eat, so perhaps it is also true that we are what we think.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Two Faced ...

"The unconditional love and acceptance of self seems 
to be the hardest task for all humankind. Refusing to 
accept our 'real selves', we try to create a more powerful 
false selves or give up and become less than human."
John Bradshaw

There have been wasted years of projecting ourselves to meet other peoples expectations. Perhaps we were 'people pleasers' or 'duplicated Dora's' in order to create a sense of being that would be accepted. The more false we became, the sense of invisibility prevailed. We moved farther away from the gifts meant to be shared with our life imprint.

Duality is having one face we show to the world and then one other that we choose to hide. When we repress authentic parts of the self, a sense of shame, fear, and unworthiness pushes us farther into shallowness. It becomes challenging to imagine we are here to contribute just as we are.

To recognize our strengths and boost our skills, we become more purposeful socially, professionally and spiritually. The acceptance of the self and the ability to present with one persona, we have more energy and joy propelling us forward with a personal power contributing to all peoples, places, and things.


Thursday, August 29, 2024

Slow Down!


"Take a deep breath and focus on the simple important things."
Angel Azra

It is unhealthy to live in seclusion just as it is to live in the fast lane. These opposites contribute to our growth if kept in balance. Being mindful, we can regulate our physical well being preventing immobility or exhaustion. The same is true for our emotional health as we have a tendency to not monitor our fast paced brain.

To hold the self accountable, we begin to understand that where we place our focus contributes to our reality. As the captain on this voyage, we choose where our minds linger and for how long. Become aware of where we are spending time ... behind, in front, or in the present moment. 

The phrase, 'just for right now', helps us to stay centered. Literally, we can do very little to alter our personal past history and projecting into the future obsessively does not support emotional health. All we have is this moment before us and it is imperative for us to slow down and make each moment count.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Inner Space

"There is peace even in the storm."
Vincent van Gogh

Now, more than ever, the world seems to be swirling, spinning us off balance. Even when deliberately standing squarely on both feet, the winds of change batter us about. Making good choices based upon our own boundaries and needs, still does not protect us from the storms on any given day.

Real control comes from within, where we have created safe space, so that we can simply 'be'. Gaze into the setting sun, stare at the brilliant moon, capture the innocence beaming from the baby's face and bring all generated feelings inside. Hold the resulting emotions safely within creating a sense of peace.

When a sense of inner peace is created, we carry it around with us, having access at any given time. Visit it often, do not wait until desperation overwhelms us. Mentally, we sit in our sacred space feeling connection with all there is while beckoning the presence of whatever we deem holy. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Lock Down at School ...

"Safety and security don't just happen; they are the result of
collective consensus and public investment. We owe our 
children, the most vulnerable citizens in our society,
a life free of violence and fear."
Nelson Mandela

Every parents nightmare, hearing there is a lock down at the children's  elementary school became a reality just a few days ago. Apparently a few schools received threats and the police rushed to the targeted scenes. My grandchildren responded with reactions practiced during 'gun drills'. They are ages 8 and 6 forced to experience a nightmare.

Their parents held safe space for the two of these beautiful souls to process their fright. The youngest was silent and clingy but the oldest quietly shared: "Today when we were in lock down ... and I thought I might die ... I wished you and daddy were there so I could tell you that you are the best parents ever.."

I am deeply grateful that my two kiddos have dedicated and loving parents to begin healing, but my heart hurts for all of the children who went home and were not allowed to process in healthy ways. I have concern for the unattended wounds of these children, and absolute fury towards the person who set this all into play.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Presence of Higher Self

"While Reiki can be used for relaxation and finding physical
and emotional balance, it also offers the potential to be a
powerful catalyst for spiritual growth by helping 
connect your inner self to your higher self."
Reiki Scoop

Just sit still while imagining light coming down from above, pouring all over you. Be like a sponge, absorbing all of it while it runs gently through your body. Feel this energy in light form seeping out of the bottoms of your feet and into Mother Earth. The body begins to feel almost buoyant. 

Being held in a state of calm, all body parts relax as well as the mind. A peaceful existence permeates and thoughts turn to the Divine. A subtle connection to all there is opens wave lengths for deeper communication. This light energy knows no boundaries and spills outside of physical form.

The human experience may be a cloak you wear over the energy field. It is used to experience this life form whereas the spiritual self is light, normally flowing and not bound by restrictions. When you are silently in light, the inner self grows in awareness of the presence of your higher self.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Child's Play

"So much of the healing of our world begins in healing
the inner child who rarely, if ever, got to come out and play."
Vince Gowman

Discover a way to play, to release the self from rigid boundaries. Step outside of established personas, breaking free of restraints. Create a caper where frolic and play abounds. Become so entertained that rapture pushes responsibility away. Feel the joy of simple fun whether swinging on a swing or aimlessly beating a drum.

Revert to simplicity, casting all heaviness to the side. Just in the present moment, run barefoot through the grass or dance in the rain. Walk aimlessly with sunshine beating down upon the face while enjoying a juicy treat. Be daring and walk through the neighbor's sprinkler, laughing all of the way. 

Jump into the car and turn off the air conditioning. Open the windows and crank up the music, singing to the heart's content. Play triggers not only laughter, but inspiration as well. The imagination stimulates new thought and relaxes any sense of sternness. It moves us into a different reality with new thoughts of mastery.

Saturday, August 24, 2024


"It's not what you say out of your mouth that determines
your life, it's what you whisper to yourself
that has the most power."
Robert T. Kiyasaki 

As the month of August comes to an end, I am filled with anticipation! I find myself counting the remaining days which will lead me to my favorite time of the year ...  Fall. With cooler temperatures, colorful foliage, apples and pumpkins galore, my heart feels as though it is coming back home.

Visions of returning to my passion for walking in nature lightens my spirit. This positive energy pumps creative expression throughout the day. My domestic side is lured back into the kitchen baking muffins and breads which are meant to be shared. And the absolute joy of unearthing my sweatshirts and boots triggers expectation.

There are those who are drawn to blankets of snow while others dream of planting gardens. Then there are the beach lovers with hot sunshine and sand. For me, it has always been hot apple cider and and all things cinnamon and nutmeg. I am strangely liberated by the morning crispness followed by the magical evening by the fire. 


Friday, August 23, 2024

Trust The Process

                                         "Behind the clouds is the sun still shining."                                                                            Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

A balance is required between darkness and light. If there were no dark skies, think of the
aggravation from penetrating light. Vegetation would dry up as well as our brains being overly stimulated. There must be a pause to rest and regroup, to let information and insight settle in. Constant light would blind us from hidden meanings, opportunities, and assessment.

Contrarily, wallowing in perpetual darkness is not beneficial, either. Remaining too long in the depths of sadness creates a sense of disconnect from people, places and things. Perhaps if we view darkness as a rest period and light as time for action, we will align our time so it can be flexible between the two.

Perhaps the key is to remember that no matter how dark the sky, the sun is brightly shining above. We are called to have faith in the unseen and patience within stillness. We can remind our bodies of this transition by placing our bare feet upon the ground, while our head is elevated towards the heaven above.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

I Did Not Know ...

"Crying's always been a way for me to get things out
which are buried deep, deep down."
Ray Charles

I watched her walk across the room with long confident strides. She stopped to talk to others and I could hear her laughing. She stood seemingly poised as her gaze joyfully scanned the room. Dressed as a natural authoritarian, she presented as perfection. I did not know, however, that she was screaming on the inside.

As she visited small groups, it appeared as though she were deeply interested in what others had to say. She spoke with compassion and gentle direction. It was obvious that others loved being in her presence, being seen for whom they were. I did not know, however, that she was balancing on the edge of self-destruction.

At the end of the day, she was the last out the door. It was then the tears began to fall, silently slipping out of her beautiful blue eyes. Once secured in her home, sobbing brought her to her knees. In desperation, she phoned begging for help.  I did not know, however, until I answered the phone.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Don't Believe Them



"Observe your thoughts, don't believe them."
Eckhart Tolle 

Early on, we were trained to minimize and repress our emotions. We were never to act upon our emotions and to believe in spoon fed information. There were times we experienced a discomfort as our emotion and facts collided, but the tendency to depend upon hard facts prevailed.  And now the collision returns on a greater level.

The energy right now is stronger than ever, propelling us into closer assessments. It is spinning away false debris and attracting perceptions that are removing old ways of thinking previously programmed into our psyche. Rather than separateness, connections are growing stronger stimulating personal skill and compassion.

While listening to the self, we slowly come to realize we are not our thoughts nor are we our emotions. We are an energetic force simply present in this time and place to explore and expand the experience of living in today's world. Perhaps our chosen field is not as important as our ability to love and liberate the self and others.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Pleasure in Passage


"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember,
involve me and I learn."
Benjamin Franklin

Desire rises to the surface and we experience an element of excitement. We feel alive again and eager to start planning. Emotions become entwined with speculation and we feel propelled towards a goal. Perhaps we pray for assistance, but the key ingredient is the energy we create to follow through.

The pathway to our desire may require sacrifice, courage, and vigilance. Constantly aware, we avoid pitfalls of fear and doubt. Darkness may hover, but we continue to move forward determined to succeed. Our consciousness begins to evolve as we learn more about ourselves and the life we yearn to live.

We may be inspired by what we learn, but taking direct action brings desire into the realm of possibility. Initially, our desire is mentally triggered, but physical action brings it into reality. The more we engage, our energy increases and we advance towards the goal. Reward awaits us at the end, but the pleasure in passage can be monumental.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Solo Journey

                                                        Moon free stock photo

"Let the moon teach you the art of being beautiful and lonely at the same time."        Anand Thakur

The Full Moon is staring down upon us, casting a gentle light for introspection. There is just enough to cast shadows where we can tuck away noisy and irrelevant chaos that is pulling attention away from what really matters. Look up and feel the pull of the moon which creates a connection making us glow.

As the moon shines down, believe that all will be well. Place challenge in perspective, accepting that it is simply a learning tool. This constant state of flux triggers new ways with the necessity to release the outdated old. Projecting the self to unite with the moon strengthens vision of what could truly be.

Feel the radiance of the moon beaming down. With compassion and grace, welcome the silent guidance streaming into the heart. Begin to visualize a new way of living that aligns with purpose and pleasure. Let this super-moon symbolize peace and safety during the solo journey through both darkness and light.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Desired Sacred Space

"Your sacred space is where you can find yourself
over and over again."
Joseph Campbell

We honor our commitment to others, but do we honor our commitment to ourselves? We endeavor to not let family and friends down, but how often do we disappoint ourselves? We generously make time for family and friends, limiting the time to nurture and sustain our lovely selves. 

The advantage of maintaining a sacred space is that we can slip in and out rather easily. Whether simply lighting a candle for a brief moment or settling in to a meditative state, the familiarity creates smooth passage. Repetition ushers us naturally. Sometimes, we can simply close our eyes and be fully present in our holy place.

We may feel selfish when we hold our boundaries in place or experience feelings of guilt. Neither are valid reasons to relinquish the need to nurture and restore. If we desire to meet the needs of others, we must first strengthen the self. Be still, connect with the spiritual essence, and shine brightly with thanksgiving and gratitude.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Silently Forward

"When we throw out the physical clutter, we clear our minds.
When we throw out the mental clutter, we clear our souls."
Gail Blanke

Every physical keepsake represents an experience either pleasant or painful. These items hold energy that stirs either pleasant or painful reactions. As we gaze around our space, our mind is silently reacting to each and every prompt impacting our mood.  Without necessarily realizing how these thoughts interrupt our clear flow of thought, clarity is clouded.

When we have clear space there is more receptivity to creative solutions. Rather configuring answers based on our damaging past or the frightening future, the critic is silent and our creative force opens to possibilities. Not making decisions forced by pressure, we ease into our freshly created space and welcome stimulating possibilities.

Imagine an eagle soaring in the sky or a deer gently passing through the woods. Both of them move silently forward without distractions. If we choose to recalibrate our energy with soothing surroundings, we will be more apt to breathe in guidance aligned with our more peaceful nature. 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Misconception of Contribution

We are seeking long term solutions to personal and global  issues 
and we are all called to do our part.
Archaeology for the Woman's Soul

Humanity seems to be awakening to living life with new purpose.  We are eager to find better ways to make our presence more meaningful in every day life. We are looking for more creative ways to blend our skills with our heart's desire. There is a longing to be more genuine while at the same time impacting the world we live in. The misconception is that our personal endeavors do not make a difference.

Perhaps it was the isolation during COVID that made us feel powerless and unimportant. We were probably not surrounded by ways to make life more meaningful. The lack of social recognition, the absence of physical touch, and the nonexistent stimulation impacted all of us. We are slowly making our way back into the main flow.

It is important to re-enter a full life carefully. If we are going to choose new ways, let us do it based on personal skills and creativity. Think outside of the box, be open to new exploration and recognize waiting opportunities. Listen less to those who criticize and more to the inner voice for adventurous pathways leading to a new and authentic self.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Gratitude Timeline

"To have gratitude is to enjoy something twice:

Once when it happens

An once when memories arise."

Tahlia Hunter

Create the healthy habit of becoming grateful for everything that happens in life, not just the good stuff. It is a matter of being mindful while reaping rewards. Review the past and notice how things that at the time seemed disappointing, turned out to be rewarding. We can create a mindset of seeing the good in a situation no matter how unwelcome it is.

Whether a journal is kept or a check in with a friend, sharing what good happened no matter how small, can shift perspective. Lessening the drama also helps to maintain physical, mental and spiritual health. Everything is connected ... energy attracts like energy. So where we place our focus, sets the tone for the day.

When we add gratitude, things progressively become better. Gratitude lifts, while anger depletes. Memories can become our personal art gallery. Why litter the walls with dark splashes of disappointment when we can just as easily paint inner landscapes with vibrant gratitude? We can create a timeline of what  we are grateful for to keep our spirits high.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Change Locations

"Start today with a positive outlook, and watch
the world transform around you."
Akosile Gabriel 

Imagine that you are shopping and have a pocket of change. These coins are all you have for the day and how you spend them is yet to be determined. As you wander the store, you come across items that on impulse you want to buy, but you reconsider.  Do you really want to waste money or do you want to save it for a more important investment?

The same is true for your energy. You have just so much every day and it is wise to be mindful as to how you use it. You learn to pace yourself and adjust your lifestyle accordingly. Unfortunately, you neglect to do this with the energy supporting your  thoughts. Negative emotions weigh you down, draining your energy whereas, positive emotions help you to fly high.

Your day will unfold smoothly if you  gauge how much energy you  want to invest in things that are going poorly. If you react in a positive way your energy flows and you move forward. If you become overwhelmed by the negative, you get stuck and your energy gets jammed up. Invest in the good surrounding you, and if you can't find it, change locations!

Monday, August 12, 2024

No Longer Quiet

"Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds.
Gautama Buddha 

The time is now. No longer can you remain quiet, hiding behind the clouds. People cannot see you clearly and it's time they did. It is time to come out of the darkness and face life head on. Refraining from living fully, benefits no one. Why would anyone want you to morph into stagnation?

What happened to the song in your heart? Where have your dreams gone? When did you get so heavy laden that you simply forgot the joy of anticipating dreams? It is never too late to begin and you can find the time if you put your mind to it. Perhaps adjustments will need to be made, but your life is waiting to be refreshed and renewed.

Look up at the moon and notice how it gently rises up through the darkness of the night. It crosses the sky with great contemplation and steady stride. Perhaps it is saying, "Here I am, no longer afraid and floating towards a new tomorrow!" Surely aspects of your lovely self will resurface and once again guide you on your way. 


Sunday, August 11, 2024

Blur ...

"Alice replied, 'I know who I was when I got up this morning,
but I think I must have been changed several times since then'"
Lewis Carroll 

There is great comfort in knowing who we are at the core, but also knowing that we must be flexible with our presence. Perhaps, we are one person out in the world, but an entirely different person in our home. If we do not learn to utilize all aspects of our self, we will rigidly proceed rather than flowing forward.

Then there may be speculation as to how many aspects of the self have been stifled while pouring all energies into one vein. If there is only tunnel vision, ignoring diverse parts of our inner being, a toll will be taken in both our physical and mental stability. There is nothing more freeing than the sense of being whole.

Stories abound as to how we don't have the time or the money or the skill to follow through with inner desires. We say we are too tired when actually once engaged in a creative project, our energy moves so quickly it becomes a blur. The power exists within to free the self from the rigidity of singular thinking.


Saturday, August 10, 2024

One Up-Manship

"Strength lies in differences, not similarities."
Stephen R. Covey

Watching the Olympics clearly demonstrates the diversity in all countries. Easily, one notices the friendly camaraderie between differing country teams. My heart swells to see individual team mates support each other rather than creating a 'one-upmanship' atmosphere. Individually or working as a team, each strives to do their best.

An international business man recognized his exceptional success, but followed the statement admitting to depression, unmet personal goals, and lack of self-worth. If he had focused on his personal strengths rather than on expectations of others, he may have equally contributed to the world maintaining both wealth and health. 

When we plant a flower seed, our obligation is to care for it, protect growth from the nibbles of animals, water when necessary and when needed add nourishment to the soil. We don't tell it what color it needs to be or rip off leaves while demanding something different. Common sense, and yet we do this to our children, funneling them into our expectations.


Friday, August 9, 2024


"It is not our differences that divide us, it is our inability
to recognize, accept and celebrate those differences."
Audre Lord

There is a most welcomed shift occurring during this particular place and time. Rather than focusing on cookie cutter personas, individuality is becoming more prevalent. Rather than concentrating on previously established patterns, each one of us is looking inward to see what strengths we have to share with others.

Without a sense of outcome, we are calculating what individual impact we can make. Respecting our gifts, and offering them to the community, it becomes clear how we can work together. As we feed our soul, we grow into the individuals that are needed to bring a sense of unity, rather than division.

If we can no longer be threatened by the uniqueness of others, our patterns begin to compliment each other. With expanded understanding, we step closer together creating an environment  of peace. A butterfly does not feed off of just one flower. It savors a nourishing blend. We can do the same by honoring the presence of ourselves and others.

Thursday, August 8, 2024



"And in those imperfections in our reality are the seams and cracks
into which our oversized love can seep and pool."
Night Vale

Water, like emotions, can wear us down. With each forceful splash, a divide increases. We may choose to ignore it for awhile, but as the division widens, one can no longer overlook it. When we are too invested in the styles of others, authenticity declines and originality slows down in our thoughts, movements, and expectations.

As we separate from our previous security, we feel exposed and vulnerable. Unable to imagine what will come next, failure to notice new beginnings occurs. There is a need to persevere, slowly, so all parts can gently come together. Feel bolstered passing into new territory lined with adventure.

Often, we may experience a pause in our progress. Through meditation or visualization we can broaden concepts of what is yet to come. Using ritual, chanting, and prayer connects us with spiritual union. Take time to contemplate messages shared in dream time. Increase the sense of peace by visiting safe spaces that rejuvenate the soul.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Fish Out Of Water

"If you want something you've never had,
you must be willing to do something you've never done."
Thomas Jefferson

As soon as we feel uncomfortable, we may experience a nudge to retreat. Discomfort can initiate fear that there is something wrong. This is hardly the case. When we experience a shift, it is time to become curious as to what is waiting beyond our current routine. Change is not easily made, but the benefits will appear when we observe.

Glancing back over the past, we can recall numerous times we have felt like a fish out of water. Whether it is a new neighborhood, job, or relationship, we must be willing to adapt without fear overshadowing opportunity. Altering any situation requires us to be flexible, dropping rigid expectations.

It is helpful to look around our work stations or home environment or status with friends,  determining what needs to be refreshed. What steps can we take to bring a sense of newness that will activate a deeper appreciation for ourselves. When we alter rigid routines, new definitions spark our creativity and advancement occurs. 


Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Facing Opposition

"What conversation will you be proud of yourself for having even if it doesn't end with the outcome you want? Go have that conversation."  James  Clear

Speak up and use your words. It is not about being right or wrong, but giving voice to what you believe in or personally hold true. Others may not agree with you, but they will have a stronger sense of exactly who you are. Negotiation and resolution are accomplished when the truth is being displayed on both sides of the table.

When you do not know how you feel, then say that. If you are pressured into a response then say no, while stating if you are allowed more time, the answer might be different. While facing opposition, you may not feel safe articulating and remain quiet. Try to jot down what unfolded and how you felt which releases stress from the situation.

Words are a flexible tool for making an impression upon your world. As you exchange them with other people, you heighten communication and understanding. If you feel invisible, encourage the use of your voice. Expression builds your character and attracts like minded people who other wise might pass you right by.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Worthy of Attention


"Find the deepest meaning in every small thing you do.
Turn every routine into a ritual of gratitude and presence."
Vex King

When we choose to adjust our attitude, landscapes shift from ragged cliffs to mountain majesties. In each moment, we can find a particle worthy of our attention. We can be thankful for what we have right before us, as we maneuver towards a greater future. If we do not recognize what is to be learned in the present, it will return again and again.

Even while we stress the importance of being present, we must also be aware of our  surroundings ... people, places, and things ... as each contributes to the whole. Why is this person in my life? What is the reason for me being drawn to this location? Do I really need to have myself surrounded by unnecessary things?

As we discover value in our natural habitat, materialism fades. We are less concerned about things and more attracted by the beauty displayed in our life. Whether it is the face of an elder filled with wisdom or the animated face of a child, appreciation grows. Our desire to become a better person intensifies, resulting in quality space.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Future Based On Present


"The future depends on what we do in the present."
Mahatma Gandhi

The importance of self nurturing spans over every element of life. When we prioritize feeding the body, mind and soul with positivity, we are more likely to experience a higher quality of life. Energy will be heightened, enabling us to be a better participant, recipient, and benefactor. 

With a stronger sense of self, we move through life with greater ease and clarity. We will not avoid challenges, but we will meet them head on with curiosity and creative solutions. Every aspect becomes a purposeful learning tool, Our bodies become stronger as does our mental health.

We begin to discern what needs to be eliminated or increased whether in regard to people, places or things. Determining what exactly supports us and what actions sabotage our efforts increases our clarity as to what patterns need to be removed. Realizing we have choice, accelerates our progress.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

'Beach Bum'

"Imagination will take you everywhere."
Albert Einstein 

My friends lovingly referred to her as the 'Beach Bum' as she dashed off to the ocean every chance she had. We teased her about worshipping the sun and flaunting her amazingly fit body. When she returned from the ocean, our 'Beach Bum' would simply be glowing. She oozed nothing but love and radiance.

Years later, illness entered her body and she became paralyzed. No more trips to the ocean and no more hours spent in the gym. No matter how often we visited, depression had settled in. Nothing would nudge her towards any degree of happiness. That is, until one day, she began the practice of visualization. 

No longer able to move, her creative mind recreated the 'Beach Bum'. By routinely closing her eyes, she recalled favorite snippets of memory. Soon she became a master at integrating herself into these visualizations to the point of feeling hot sand, ocean waves, and the radiance of the sun. She began to live again through her imagination


Friday, August 2, 2024

Undimmed Eyes



"The real meaning of enlightenment is to gaze with undimmed eyes on all darkness." Nikos Kazantzakis

When we get lost in our own darkness, we can spend days, months, or even years feeling unworthy and invisible. Even when we seek light, the path is not always clear and it may be quite lengthy. Although tempted to settle into an unfulfilling life, we feel nudged within encouraging us to continue moving forward.

We may find ourselves slowing down as we don't know where we are going or being hesitant as we don't know how this particular piece will fit into the larger puzzle of the life we yearn to create. The key of course is to keep our eyes open and to accept that we don't need to know all of the answers in order to move forward.

When we have lived numerous years as a human, we can look back and notice the unseemly connectedness between aspects of our journey thus far. Remembering how one step led to another inspires us to be brave while waiting for directions or following opening passageways. Enlightenment awaits.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Taking Flight

"A dragonfly has many eyes, 
but it cannot see its own beauty."
Chinese Proverb

A dragonfly spends its first years of life under water until he decides to change his life by  climbing out onto a reed. It is on this reed that he leaves his old skin and stretches only to discover new wings. He takes flight experiencing a new way of living which would seem unbelievable to him if he were still living under water.

The life of a dragonfly is symbolic of our own lives. We live for stretches of time existing on a certain level before we are ready for change. Once the change occurs, we may never revisit  previous landmarks even though once secure. Building momentum, we bravely step into new dynamics discovering new aspects of ourselves. 

Stepping out of our comfort zone or breaking free from toxic living, requires us to trust in the unknown. With an open mind, we can consider opportunities that are far from expected. Like the dragonfly, we simply don't know what awaits us until we try. As we repeat this pattern throughout our human existence, we surely learn to fly.