Friday, July 5, 2024

Designated Safe Space

"Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again."
Joseph Campbell

The location of a sacred space is not as important as privacy and safety. Whether you are wandering in nature or sitting in a cramped room, our inner spirit takes flight. Feeling safe is instrumental to visionary experiences, knowing you will not be interrupted or startled by physical surroundings.

Routinely visiting your designated safe place, you build confidence and quicker escape into the realms of your choosing. With practice, these surroundings and journeys become part of your life and identity. You learn to navigate slowly maintaining a sacred sense without rushing towards a specific goal. It is like visiting a temple for the soul.

Loitering in sacred space whether physical or imaginative, creates a safe haven where you can return to repeatedly. The more familiar, the faster the transition from a chaotic world to a  peaceful healing. If you do not create a spiritual connection lined with meaningful communication, you will wander the earth unsatisfied. 


Thursday, July 4, 2024

Out of Body Bliss and Joy

"Hope is being able to see that there is light
despite all of the darkness.
Desmund Tutu

Glance up towards the sky watching darkness become the back drop for illuminating light. Even without hearing all of the loud booming noises, the light quite exquisitely speaks for itself. Focus attention on the spontaneous bursts of brightness, feeling a connection with the magnificence luminosity.

With the mind's eye, reach out to these lights dancing up in the sky. Open imagine to the possibility of communication. Quietly listen for fragments that when strung together become a whole. Let the heart open to the illumination and notice if you can feel a connection with the non-physical world through the explosions in the sky.

With the excitement of a child, feel lifted out of the body becoming absorbed by the lightening of the sky. Get lost in wonderment and possibility, absorbed by the love of the Divine. During these bursts of wonder, slip past self erected boundaries and limitations, experiencing out of body bliss and joy.


Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Spark of Light

"To travel into the spiritual realms within, the spark of the Divine
is ignited to propel our soul on the inner journey."
Rajinder Singh

Travel expenditures are minimal when you travel inward. It costs nothing to sit alone without lengthy preparation. Like any other learning experience, you need to practice so that your brain knows to quiet and your body recognizes the inactive positioning. Begin to feel an inner presence, a light if you will, that symbolizes whatever you name as Divine.

As you master the practice of stillness, a deeper knowing surfaces. You are not thinking as much as you are holding the self present. Imagine a light which is the essence of self growing. It can be near the heart or third eye chakra. In this quietude, you begin to notice a pulsing. Connection is experienced as is silent communication.

In this created space, you can be open hearted towards surfacing information. It can be self reflective of current situations or projective as to where your heart needs to go. In time you will learn to work with this light, expanding and contracting. Sending this lovely light out into the world heightens physical experience while holding it inward, heals.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Inward Visions


"Your vision will become clear only when you can look into
your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams, 
who looks inside, awakes."
Carl Jung

Sight is the ability to see the beauty of the world in various colors and shapes and the diversity of people. It gives us a sense of control as we can see the movement around us or the distance before us. We are educated by reading signs whether posted on a billboard or someone's face.

Vision escorts us inside to the unseen or beyond what is before us. It is a deeper experience gaining wisdom and insight. When we close our eyes, we are not distracted by the outside world. We take deep dives into realms of thought, feelings and emotions. Vision connects us deeper than simple vision.

As life allows us to settle down, we have increased time to turn inside to create our journey. We heighten intuition to guide us along our path that leads to our heart's desire. As we hold visions in silence, we can be carried beyond the physical world into the realms of possibility. 

Monday, July 1, 2024

The End and The Beginning ...

"Every ending is a beginning. 
We just don't know it at the time."
Mitch Albom

June is my birthday month reflecting back to me a year of lessons. I view this past 365 days from a neutral stance with an open mind. It is not about tallying success nor failure, but seeking instances acting as bookmarks from these days passed. An attempt is made to extract the knowledge that will best serve me.

As I gently turn to face a new month, I am mentally prepared to empty my mind for new incoming information. There are no expectations other than maintaining an open heart to understand my self, friends, and community. I have given up on trying to comprehend the chaos in our world.

Slowly, I have come to understand that the Universe has a plan with intentions to make me stronger, and wiser. My focus is going to be upon a sense of oneness and sharing energy wherever I go. I am no longer a tight bud and soon petals may begin to fall, but I will continue to strengthen my roots and offer love wherever I go.