Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Renaissance Man's Birthday

"You cannot teach a man anything,
you can only help him find it within himself."

Today, I celebrate the birthday of a true Renaissance Man. He is not singularly focused nor does he have just one life skill. Physically, he has a runner's body with legs that demand attention. Mentally, he shares and reflects diverse knowledge willingly shared on the level of the listener. Spiritually, his persona is laced with integrity, respect, and open heartedness.

He displays a resilience to face life's obstacles with determination and a perseverance to take hardship in stride. He remains humble, presenting as just any other guy. Listening is an unbelievable strength that compares only with his ability to accurately recall details. He can sit quietly while emanating safe space for others.

He self sustains as an avid reader, prolific lover of music and exceptional chef. Varying avenues are used as he  reciprocates kindness back to those crossing his path. Although he is a quiet man, he is not silent. His essence permeates into a peaceful communication that continues to bless my soul. 


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