Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Inward Visions


"Your vision will become clear only when you can look into
your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams, 
who looks inside, awakes."
Carl Jung

Sight is the ability to see the beauty of the world in various colors and shapes and the diversity of people. It gives us a sense of control as we can see the movement around us or the distance before us. We are educated by reading signs whether posted on a billboard or someone's face.

Vision escorts us inside to the unseen or beyond what is before us. It is a deeper experience gaining wisdom and insight. When we close our eyes, we are not distracted by the outside world. We take deep dives into realms of thought, feelings and emotions. Vision connects us deeper than simple vision.

As life allows us to settle down, we have increased time to turn inside to create our journey. We heighten intuition to guide us along our path that leads to our heart's desire. As we hold visions in silence, we can be carried beyond the physical world into the realms of possibility. 

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