Saturday, July 6, 2024

Neglected Lessons

"If the house of the world is dark,
Love will find a way to create windows."

When will we ever honor the correlation between the world at large and our individual self? How long before we connect the dots between what we do to others directly or indirectly impacts the self? Where will we finally recognize the correlation between integrity, moral code, and peace? How is it that we neglect the lessons from our own history?

We can criticize local government and bad mouth community leaders, but if we were to remain silent, could we come up with positive actions that could be quietly administered without global expense? What if we quietly sat still pondering what we could personally do to bring help to our neighbors?

Look into the eyes of the wise ones and feel his or her inner peace. Become stimulated by sharing stories, produce from a garden or simple gestures to help others. Avoid frustration from swirling chaos and determine what specific difference we can make not in the voting booth, but in grocery store lines, traffic lanes, and strangers passing by.  


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