Thursday, July 11, 2024

Silence In The Heart

"It takes a sensitive ear to tune into the silence of the heart,
but it is there in each one of us."
Daily Om

We tend to identify our selves by association to our family, career, and community, all over shadowing our inner true nature. It is only when we identify with our heart center that we can feel secure in any given relationship or situation. Listening to the silence lingering in our heart, messages flourish. 

As we relax into our true nature, the silence within offers a communication connecting us to alignment. Once comfortable just 'being', we move forward with authentic power. Respecting the self, we are no longer drawn into unnecessary drama. Our building energy is the fuel for the soul.

Less time is wasted on roads we no longer wish to travel. Each step has meaningful movement towards authentic goals supporting our purpose. Time is given to honing our skills rather than wandering aimlessly. Through right action, our hearts are cleansed and healed allowing us to follow our intended path.

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