Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Releasing Poison

"Holding anger is a poison. It eats you from inside."
Mitch Albom

Anger is a secondary emotion. First, we feel a sensation, and if it is too painful to address,  we immediately shift to anger. Anger is a blanket that covers the real issue. Instead of addressing what is hurting us, we repress it and skirt the real issue at hand. We may avoid our emotional pain, but it remains under the surface festering. 

What we withhold becomes septic. We over react to outside issues, skirting the original subject. Perhaps our culture has trained us not to speak out and we fear rejection. Adding insecurity to the mix, our body begins to react ... sick to the stomach, headache, depression. Our spiritual nature takes a hit and there may be a sense of total disconnect. 

As soon as anger is present, we can ask what is beneath this or what is really at the heart of the matter? Uncover the core and give it voice. Whether we write it down or share with a friend or scream into a pillow, we begin to release and heal. When we give ourselves permission to articulate, whether right or wrong, our sense of value returns.


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