Sunday, July 28, 2024

Regardless of Gender


"Balance is not something you find,
it's something you create."
Jana Kingsford

Searching for pictures to reflect balance between feminine and masculine energies, I looked for the category of women in power. Here I found numerous sexy pictures of young and shapely women. In the category for men in power, I found muscle bound men often carrying guns. This is not how I imagine genders in power.

Human beings have both masculine (assertiveness and strength) and feminine (sensitivity and creativity) energies. It is key to balance both sides within us, knowing when to be gentle and when to be assertive. Maintaining alignment between the two, allows us to flow back and forth as needed.

Images need to be changed as our culture shifts from a male dominated culture. There is no need for a matriarchal style either. The goal is for each person to work with each other towards compassion, diversity, and tolerance. Regardless of gender, we can create an existence where all peoples are allowed to thrive. 

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