Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Pockets of Hope

"The seeds of great discoveries are constantly 
floating around us."
Joseph Henry 

If the mind is open to possibility, wisdom floats in carried by fragrances, color, music, and dreams. When deeply into resistance, our mind is snapped shut and roots are steeped in rigidity. Stress will exhaust you and drain your energy. The key of course is opening the mind while dropping preconceived ideas. 

Gently close the eyes while imagining your body floating like a lotus flower. Let the gentle water support your tired limbs. Think of a beautiful sky above you and expansive trees lining the path of the stream. Sense the presence of calm relaxing the body, mind, and soul. Even if just for a few moments, this will soothe your rough edges.

The simplest nurturing can reduce hyper activity, allowing the mind peaceful exploration. Instead of being overcome by fear, calm relaxes you into positive speculation. Even in the worst scenario, you can find pockets of hope escorting you through challenge and into new beginnings.



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