Monday, July 15, 2024

Daunting Scenarios


"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through 
experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, 
ambition inspired, and success achieved."
Helen Keller

The automatic response to change is often resistance. Even if the occurrence  is beneficial, the sudden shift in the unknown triggers fear. Instead of searching for resolution, our energy is used to resist the circumstances. If we are able to redirect our focus to what might be accomplished through the dilemma, a lesson is learned.

When we face life with confidence and persevere the search for healthy adjustment, we will learn and prosper, even when the event is negative. It is when we repress our true feelings and resist reality that damage impacts our body, mind and spirit. When we ignore the temptation to remain stuck, we can readjust our intentions and go the distance.

If we are patient and rebuild our strength, passion will return for creating a better understanding and experience of life. Resilience will return and we can attain newly created goals that results in a higher belief in ourselves. We will feel courageous discovering new tools to propel us forward through daunting scenarios.

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