Saturday, July 13, 2024

A Little Space, Please ...

"We need to give each other the space to grow,
to be ourselves, to exercise our diversity."
Max de Pree

Create your own space to embrace inner vibrations detecting deposits of personal skill and diversity. Give the self stillness to increase awareness of where you need to gather and what you need to release. Distance the self from criticism and judgment whether it comes from those surrounding you or from within. 

Seek knew horizons while opening to flashes of insight depicting hidden desires. As you shine new light into personal life mystery, do not scoff at challenges deeming them to be impossible. Inner communication once edited, will build self confidence, curiosity, and the desire to stretch and grow. Enthusiasm will change your life.

There is so much to learn, and life will deepen when opportunity is blended with skill and creative imagination. Explore the possibility of enjoying who you are without striving to meet the expectations of others.As creative prosperity unfolds, you will experience healing, dignity, and joy of being a diverse element in the presence of others.

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