Thursday, July 18, 2024

That's What We Do

"You have to believe in yourself when no one else does."
Serena Williams

It takes courage to open a door and bravery to close one. If and when we choose to approach the door again, we may find that it is hanging from the hinges and that there is nothing left behind it. Standing on our own two feet requires determination and drive. We must accept that all of our choices have not been good ones.

When we present as having strength and confidence, others do not realize that each one of us needs, at times, support and encouragement. Just having a person listen to us makes a huge difference in our fortitude. Perhaps as a capable person, we need to become our own best friend and believe in our capabilities. 

Inside, we know only too well that we became strong straddling divides, mounting impossible heights, and jumping into oblivion. There are times when we get tired of being strong. Reviewing the past, however, we are reminded of the rewards when we didn't give up and that success can be temporary. If we fall, we get back up. That's what we do.


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