Sunday, July 21, 2024

Element of Connection

"Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads."
Henry David Thoreau

Whether looking at the rising sun or observing stars in the sky, one can feel a spiritual connection. Not only can beauty be seen, but power can also be felt. We can feel humbled by the magnitude of such an experience. An element of connection with all things can also be felt whether placing our feet upon the ground or glancing into nature.

As we escape into the tranquil view, all else feels as though it is falling away. We experience a sense of calm and our minds grow still. It is within these spaces of altered time that messages flow in and out of our consciousness. The impossible challenges waiting for us no longer instill fear.

Experiencing an element of peace, the opportunity for introspection increases. Without drama or pressure, one views life from a different standpoint with curiosity and wonderment. Sensing the presence of spirit, we open to the magic of possibility. We break free of cultural conditioning and take a leap in faith.

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