Sunday, July 14, 2024

Silence of a Friend ...

"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies,
but the silence of our friends."
Martin Luther King Jr

Change is inevitable as is the ripple effect that follows. Not only are we individually impacted, those around us feel a shift in our energy as well. No one tends to be comfortable with shifts as  disturbances in a created flow disrupt our sense of security. Ideally, those surrounding us will cheer our movement, but be warned, this is not always the case.

Loyal friends may want what is best for us, but at the same time, they honestly do not want anything to change. When the crease is deep enough, separation may ensue. We must not stumble without the support of friendships, but believe in the self enough to continue with unforseen forward movement.

It is difficult to release a friendship that has existed for decades. We may experience great sadness or even anger when we are not celebrated upon our new path. Eventually, we can choose to muster loving kindness, while treasuring fond memories. The extraction of people are often times painful, but necessary while making room for new beginnings. 

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