Friday, July 26, 2024

Magical Release

"When you do things from your soul,
you feel a river moving in you, a joy."

What is your outlet for when you experience overwhelm? Is it food, exercise, or withdrawal? Where do you go? Do you have a safe place like a trusted friend or favorite place in nature? Perhaps you escape to a mall, gym or bar. Where will you feel energized, returning to alignment?

It is beneficial to feed our soul on a regular basis, rather than waiting until we are distraught. Whether a small gesture like lighting a tea light or stepping outside to embrace the sun, the moon or the stars. Sometimes just a gentle breeze or a floating cloud can magically release our heaviness.

The moon is my constant. No matter what lunar phase the moon is in, it continuously welcomes me, reminding me how fluent life really is. Moon energy stirs my inner being, encouraging me. The moon visits darkness, but successfully reclaims its full essence. We must learn by example and do the same. 


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