Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Hide Me Under A Bushel, No ...

"I am such a complex person. I have so many layers
of my personality to choose from." 
Lykke Li 

A flower garden filled with abundant colors draws my attention. Similarly, a person with a multi-sided personality captivates me. Life can be a maze leading me into unexpected turns having no sense of final destination. From each twist, I have the option of learning, creating, and applying diverse aspects of the self.

Cultivating healthy responses to life's drama, I struggle, persevere, and unfold. So much energy is required, I am not willing to hide my journey. I desire to fully step into all parts of my self, and experience personal power. Investing in my self, I will protect my gains by choosing those who offer compassion, integrity, and acceptance of who I am.

Relationships require flexibility, and a willingness to be open to diverse opinions. I remember that others want to be appreciated just as much as I do. I aim to greet others with respect even if I do not understand. Whether zeroing in on a certain layer or scanning the entire self, I yearn for freedom, peace and spiritual recognition.

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