Monday, July 8, 2024

Sense of Ecstasy

"Let your joy be in your journey ~

not in some distant goal."

Tim Cook

Just for today, think of something that brings you joy. Is it a person, a place, or a thing? It can be an imaginary vision or a projection of better things to come. Let us not wait for the future to come to us. Let us stop waiting and bring our needs to the surface and meet them best that we can.

Do you even know what would bring you joy? If so, what do you have to do to achieve it? If it is an impossible venture in this moment, break it down into segments and choose one to be manifested in this opening time and space. Simply close your eyes and allow your body to feel a sense of ecstasy running from head to toe.

Too often, we wait for someone else to provide us with joy. We may not even express our desire, and yet, expect it to be delivered.Today, in this moment, hold an image of joy, and determine how you can experience it. Even if it is a small piece, activate it and feel your lovely self expound.

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