Saturday, July 20, 2024

Open Communication

"Prayer is talking to the Universe.
Meditation is listening to it."
Tao and Zen

There was a time I saved my prayers for church. I depended upon ministers to intervene on my behalf and trusted priests would convey what my heart could not express. In time, I discovered the benefits of using my voice and patiently waiting for guidance. The more I trusted my self, the more open I became.

Not only are there numerous themes to prayer, there are various languages in which we can speak. Inspiration can present itself in a temple, subway, or grassy knoll. Reciting a formalized religious devotion is a far cry from spontaneous verbiage streaming from the core of our heart.

No matter where we are or what we have to express, a vital ingredient of prayer is listening for response. Not just hearing, but listening. Open the full body to experience a spiritual exchange. The fragrance of flowers, the movement of trees and the songs of  birds can gently offer response. Expecting a bolt of lightning from God limits communication. 


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