Sunday, July 7, 2024

Close The Gap

"The greatest distance between two people is misunderstanding."
Herbs, Health, Happiness

Careless words come our way, hurting our feelings, triggering doubt in a relationship. We say nothing, but harbor ill will inside of ourselves. Frequently, our mind drifts back replaying the circumstances and recreating the sting. We may choose to back away or blister in the presence of the one who cast the stone.

What if we held ourselves accountable, and addressed the situation as it arises? We could inquire if we had just misunderstood what was said or what was the statement based on. Facing the situation in the moment can be a short cut to immediate resolution, saving ourselves painful residue.

Frequently, what we hear as a personal attack, really has nothing to do with us. The words spoken are usually based in the speakers own dilemma and drama. When we challenge what we have just heard, we learn that we have projected our own issues upon someone else. Avoid building distance by questioning the moment.


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