Thursday, July 25, 2024

Darkness Falls Behind

"We've all got both light and dark inside us.
What matters is the part we choose to act on."
J.K. Rowling

The more we hide ourselves from others, the less we are understood. Keeping silent gives the impression that we are in agreement. The longer we hide the self, the greater the divide. We cannot fully expand into a new persona while fearing the judgment of others. Release the need for approval and have faith in the journey.

It is counterproductive to restrain the self from adjusting to our personal change. Sharing our journey can be difficult, but if we drop expectations for approval, speaking freely, our passion will grow. Maintaining boundaries, we can bring our new light out into the world slowly and effectively.

It is a false programming to believe that we need to keep things to ourselves. We fear others will not understand resulting in unwanted criticism. It is true that our disclosures need to be aired in a safe space and the timing can be flexible. However, if we continue to be drawn forward into the light, darkness falls behind.

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