Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Identifying Emotional Chaos

"Learn how to walk away.
Learn how to de-escalate."
Ryan Holiday

Migraines returned and initiated a new pattern of subservience. Whether easing into a hot tub of water or placing ice packs on the brow, the throbbing continued to pulverize. Believing that the body reacts to what is being repressed, an exploration into the current level of emotional chaos pursued.

As a spiritual person, intentions are to be accepting and loving of others, but forgotten was the part about treating the self with the same compassion. Maintaining a purposeful life is beneficial, but hyper multi-tasking in over drive is detrimental. Ignoring personal limitations impacts the body, mind and soul.

As healthy change occurs, it is unrealistic to believe things will stay the same. Acceptance of the fact that others may not support this new altered version, redirection to new applications for stimulation increase. Daily headaches subside as the need to please and the desire to be accepted are minimized. Groom the self and gifts will thrive. 


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