Friday, July 19, 2024

In Our Own Skin

"Belonging is a strong and natural human need,
like food and shelter."
Desmond Tutu

It is a false belief that we must alter who we are in order to be accepted. We might think so little of ourselves that we believe it is impossible to fit in. When we are dependent upon others for a sense of belonging, our sense of security waffles with the smallest movement. Without being grounded within, we will topple and fall.

When diligent about unpacking our baggage and healing our scars, we become comfortable in our own skin. We are more apt to be open to diversity while stretching our knowledge about the self and others. When a sense of home and belonging exists within we can be less dependent upon others.

As our strengths are discovered and utilized, the need to change for the sake of blending in dissipates. While humbly being the best we can be, we begin to attract like minded souls who support and encourage us. Living as an authentic human being, we can enjoy our solitude and engage with others while unfolding into a higher sense of self.


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