Tuesday, June 30, 2015

This Life of Me


 Description of a person born on June 30th:
"You are longing for the simpler things in life.  You are seeking quiet, solitude, and you enjoy large periods of time alone.  When you are in the company of others, you prefer it to be homey - perhaps just with friends and close family.  Your future is a happy one because you know what you like.  You enjoy authenticity and simplicity.  You are destined for a life free from drama, though be careful of getting too bored."

I am very much the same spirit I found myself to be as a child, but my humanness has changed dramatically.  It is difficult to see myself as others see me, and I am often caught off guard by compliments which are never well received.

To use one word to describe my action in this life time would be that of a seeker.  Since the beginning I have sought out the truth, finding myself hoodwinked into the truths of others.  It has taken a life time to create an accurate story using unbiased perceptions.

My daughter has been a radiant beacon whenever I have struggled in this life.  With sisters of my heart, a very special therapist, and exceptional experiences with energy work, I have drowned in emotion, and resurfaced with healing wounds with a willingness to see life through.

I trust myself to be a creative and engaged leader, but a very poor follower.  My path has been singular no matter how much surrounds me.  I have learned to embrace all aspects of my life, and feel no remorse as life is playing itself out in my later years.  I fear no death as I believe in a transition returning to a spiritual life.

I am grateful for forgiveness, unfolding wisdom, and the love of those choosing to be in my life.  I am deeply appreciative for my  long escapes into reading and writing, and cherish my solitary journey no matter where it may lead.  I lovingly embrace this life of "me".  

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