Thursday, June 25, 2015

Inhale Calm, Exhale Peace

"The degree to which I am blessed staggers me ...
the degree to which I take for granted shames me."

John Green

When life does not live up to our expectations, we can feel insignificant.  We forget our value resides within us, waiting to be polished and appreciated.  To seek outside of ourselves as a means to feel worthy is very short lived.  We may feel immediate gratification, but it passes rather quickly.

It is when we explore our inner authenticity, we begin to inhale calm and exhale peace.  Once reminded of all we have, we are overcome with gratitude.   The treasures we store within can never be taken from us no matter how life challenges us.

There are times when we are weighted down by misfortune or loss, but when we unpack all of the heaviness, we find our sacred ground supporting us and encouraging us to carry on.  We tend to take our personal gifts for granted, falsely believing anyone can have the same qualities.  This is simply not true.

As individuals, we singularly offer aspects of life with our own signature.  Our contributions may appear to be the same as someone else's, but there will be a component making it clearly one of a kind.  So shift our thoughts from reaching outside for validation, to polishing the jewels within.


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