Saturday, June 27, 2015

Personal Limitations for Change

"The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am,
then I can change."   Carl Rogers

There are those who remain in a tight little bud throughout their life, squeezed rather tightly in a rigid pose.  Those who are willing to gently unfold, filled with curiosity expand to embrace the many gifts of life.  Neither is about right or wrong, but references our ability to accept our selves and change.

When we remain locked into a situation or mind frame, we are intimately damaging our self-image.  We are our own worst critics, addressing our lovely selves like we would never dare to address anyone else.  Our thoughts become poisonous filling the heart and mind with tainted exaggerations that eat away any sense of honor or respect.

It is when we can unconditionally love ourselves, accepting both weakness and strength, that our petals begin to unfold.  Insight gained by life's lessons can propel us forward continuing to enhance our experiences.

We move forward equipped with courage into the unknown.  We venture through the illusion of fear to discover possibilities on the other side.  Instead of wasting our energy on negativity, we can accept   our imperfection and use our energy to focus on the positivity available to us.  As human beings with free will, what will we choose ... remaining small or bursting open towards the sun?


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