Monday, June 1, 2015

Shift Our Moods

"Sometimes we need someone to simply be there.
Not to fix anything or to do anything in particular, but 
just to let us feel that we are cared for and supported."


Listening can be one of the best forms of medicine.  Allowing a person to vent or cry or simply sigh, can make a tremendous difference in maintaining alignment with our body, mind, and soul. Reaching out can be excruciating.  We fear judgment or the appearance of weakness, when actually, a true friend welcomes the opportunity to be a silent presence.

We stubbornly forget others have the same range of feelings we experience.  We few them as being so together they could never understand our need.  Quite the contrary is true.  Our friends view us as strong and do not necessarily see what we hide within ourselves.  They are unable to guess when we desire a hug or patient ear.  When we build the courage to express our need, our friend is happy to be chosen.  They actually feel good to be a witness even if no words are exchanged.

The same is true for laughter.  If we can meet with someone and share laughter, our mood can elevate tremendously.  Taking the time for a quick coffee or drink, can be time well invested.  If we notice a person who seems to be silently struggling, there is no need to be invasive; however, one can always gently remind them they are not alone.

Giving and receiving both laughter and listening are free and easy.  We can impact the day of a stranger or co-worker.  To expand our awareness allows room for the sun to shine inside and shift our moods to be shared with others.

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