Sunday, June 28, 2015

Eager To Carry On

"Every seed has its full form within it,
but it needs the rain and the heat of the sun 
to become a full expression
into the world."

Mark Nepo

There are days we feel so lack luster and other days we feel like we can do no wrong.  The movement between these two attitudes creates an inner friction to bring us closer to the light.  Symbolically, it is the sand in the shell grinding to form the pearl.

As our passion grows, we still have internal doubts and resistance, creating the illusion of fear which leads to sabotage.  Then, the nurturing begins.  Our tears cleanse our thoughts, and the encouragement of others brings us sunshine.  New growth follows. 

It is our uncanny ability to forget earlier accomplishments leading us to the present moment.  We tend to disregard our abilities and question our motives.  It is like moving through sludge.  When we place our weary soul in the presence of a friend, the conversation begins to lift us up.  Without even being asked, the person witnessing the moment begins to comment on our earlier accomplishments and reminds us of how very far we have truly travelled.  With this wider scope for viewing, we no longer are stuck in our personal negative attack.  We are not only ready, but eager to carry on.

So the ups and downs, and the rain and the sun, are all important ingredients to our growth.  It takes the actual experience of moving through the process in order to produce our pearl.  If we remain cognizant of the process itself, we will have less resistance and our awareness will steady our steps.

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