Monday, June 15, 2015

Look The Other Way

"Remember, a real decision is measured
by the fact that you've taken action.
If there is no action,
you have not truly decided."

Anthony Robbins

We my wake up in the morning with a brilliant idea, but if we do not capture it within minutes, it will simply float away.  Each human being is gifted with insight. Typical of human beings, we pay attention just enough to experience the radiance of an idea. Then we do not take action.  Even if we retain the message for a while, it is entirely too easy to allow ego to talk ourselves out of it.

At the risk of insulting intelligence, I choose to use the example of pancakes.  I dearly love pancakes and never make them.  The breakfast cafe that offered, in my opinion, the very best, happened to close.  For months now, I have been telling myself to put an end to this craving and just make some.  Unfortunately, the craving continues as I have had no follow through.  When I finally give my self permission to indulge, I have neglected to buy ingredients or there is no syrup.  If I had simply attended to this desire within a reasonable time, my need would have been met and my energy would be used elsewhere.

We become preoccupied by things we 'need' to do, but we allow pressure to build with our resistance.  If we know we should not be doing something, then  don't do it.  End of story.  Instead, we obsess for months at a time, distracting us from meeting real needs.  What are we really resisting?  Is it  the pancake or underlying issues?  An answer is always obvious, but we choose to look the other way.

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