Monday, June 8, 2015

Goodness Awaits

"When you feel resistance to change, just be present with it.  Grieve what's no longer going to be there.  That's the only way to usher all the good stuff in.  You have to feel it and move forward to give birth to the new thing.  Remember that when the good stuff comes in, it brings in joy.  And joy can flush out the loneliness, the fear, and the other 'stuff' that is no longer serving you."

Christiane Northrup

Incredibly fast or ridiculously slow, change enters our lives.  Either way, the ability to let go and graciously receive set the tempo.  If we cling to the old because it is familiar, we are blocking the path to in coming opportunities. These events waiting to unfold in our lives can bring us joy if we simply step through our fear of change.

We may dream of a different life or perfect a vision board of our desires, but if we are not willing to step into the unknown, to come out of our safety, change will not arrive in a timely fashion.  We must do our part by moving from one point to another.  By remaining stationary, we have barred the door from opening.

Change can pounce on us unexpectedly, forcing us to move forward even when we are ill prepared.  There still needs to be follow through on our part to keep propelling movement forward.  We often get stuck in our confusion or fear.  We are prompted to move out of our own way.

When we previously know the outcome to change, it is still difficult to do the work.  When we are totally clueless about where change is leading, we may dig our feet into resistance.  When we are patient with ourselves, trusting joy will eventually arrive, we can transition at a better pace.  We shift our focus from what is being taken to what is waiting for our arrival.  We have the strength to carry on, as goodness awaits.

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