Monday, June 22, 2015

Simply Aware

"Normal day, let me be 
aware of the treasure
you are."

Mary Jean Irion

Blessings often arrive on very regular days.  Days where we are caught in our routine, but not distracted by special events or visits.  A normal day offers us a back drop where we can go about our business on automatic pilot.  When we are surrounded by the mundane, we are more easily notice something out of sequence.

A normal day can unfold into a treasure.  It can offer us a natural pause just as a hawk flies above in the sky.  As we perform our daily chores, we may uncover a keepsake that had gone missing months before.  While lingering over reading material, we can discover a missing link we didn't know we were looking for.  As we take a break, we might even become ignited by an insight.  

Blessings from a regular day may even be more subtle, like  the fragrance of lilacs or the opening of  peonies.  While washing the dishes we may catch sight of a hummingbird outside of the window.  If we sit outside even for a moment, we can receive the warm embrace of the sun. 

Too easily, we take for granted the beauty surrounding us no matter where we happen to be.  If trapped at an office desk, relax for a moment just observing co-workers ... body posture, attitude, facial expression or mannerisms.  When we deliberately pay attention, we may discover small things we have never noticed before.  

Awareness:  it is the willingness to slow down; it is the open mind coming across something different without judgment;  it is seeing a bigger picture; and it is the opportunity for compassion.  Awareness is not just for defensive posturing; it is not just for parenting; and it is not for particular segments of life.  The state of awareness is for every moment which allows us the ability to shift and change in subtle ways.  Being a participant in our lives doesn't mean engaging singularly with the voice.  To participate fully, one is simply aware.

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