Friday, June 12, 2015

Helping Can Be This Simple

"A cup that is already full cannot have more added to it.  In order to receive the further good to which we are entitled, we must give of that which we have."  Margaret Becker

We are in a position to help others no matter what our state of living happens to be.  A gentleman asked a homeless person what he could do to help him.  The homeless man immediately stuck out his hand, asking for a hand shake.  Helping can be this simple.

We may not be able to impact the lives devastated by acts of nature or war, but if we take inventory of our blessings, there is always something that can be shared.  The simplicity of de-cluttering can create a mountain of benefit.  Down sizing a pantry or passing on clothing can be a true gift.  We can donate toys or books that are no longer used.  As we change the size of our bed, we can give away the other sized linens.   What we consider to be outdated, just might be a welcomed blessing to someone else.

Projecting an eye to eye smile can brighten any one's day.  Just a brief nod of the head in recognition of the other person's presence, can increase self-esteem.  When we freely extend kindness of any shape or form,  it simultaneously makes us feel better as well.  Give and you, too, shall receive.

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