Friday, June 5, 2015

Verbiage, Interpretation, and Intention

"We don't cross into the 'sphere of rebirth'
by power but by descent,
by being swallowed."

Sue Monk Kidd

The word surrender sounds threatening to me.  It indicates the act of giving up  control or giving away personal power.  In some situations this might be spot on, but not in the sense of healthy union. In healthy union, one opens themselves with vulnerability acknowledging the risk.  It is a willingness to submerge the self with art, meditation or nature, but also to maintain space for the self.

We can open ourselves to any situation, giving completely, and still have the sense of self.  The idea is to blend into or to experience deeply, but not lose our identity.  We can broaden our identity by embracing an idea or person completely, but not at the cost of self.

It really is a matter of verbiage, interpretation and intention.  The concept of being swallowed is not pleasant to me.  Dread that I will be entirely digested or spit out is not something I want to experience.  I am willing to symbolically dive into darkness or the flow of life, while releasing control; but I also know I have freedom of choice.  I am cognizant of being asked to change, but not to become a pawn under a leader's direction.

Spiritually speaking, I welcome guidance and desire to improve, but I am also aware of the intention to enhance who I am and not literally become some clone.  We each have our own life to live and develop through interaction with others, but to maintain our authentic sense of soul.

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