Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Discrepancy in the Midst

"Observe the space between your thoughts,
then observe the observer."

Hamilton Boudreaux

Discrepancy is prevalent in our personal lives, but we seldom monitor our lovely selves often enough to acknowledge it.  We tell ourselves one thing, while in reality we are exerting something quite different.  We rationalize our actions to support our misdeeds, believing we are righteous.

We convince ourselves we are caring and loving beings, but this may only be true  in some situations. We may be awesome employers, but mediocre parents.  Although an exemplary leader, we might be rude to those who serve us in restaurants, hotels, or office support.

When we find our inner conversation, "I don't have time," allow a pause to follow.  Then observe a larger picture of the self.  Sincerely, I may not have the time for a favor in this moment, but when we expand our thinking, we may have another way of assisting.  Instead of using a negative response, we might say, "No, I am not available to accept, but what else might I do to help?"  There may be other ways to assist someone other than the initial request.

In conversation, if we find our chests tightening or our stomach clenching, these may be signals of discrepancy.  We may feel resistance for no apparent reason or perhaps even fear.  We are called to respect our own boundaries, but we can use our creativity in support of others.

Definitely, we are not to take on overwhelming responsibilities we have no interest in.  To remain balanced, we must choose carefully.  Once we choose, however, pause, and observe if our decision is in alignment with who we really are.

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