Thursday, June 11, 2015

Explore More Deeply

"This body is not me.  It is the house in which I live.  Since I don't identify myself with my body, I don't associate other people very much with their physical appearance either.  The more we dwell upon the physical appearance and age of others, the more we are conscious of our own appearance and age.  We should be concerned less about these details of packaging and concerned more with the contents.  Gradually, as we become more and more spiritually aware, we will be looking straight into people's eyes and deep into their souls."  Eknath Easwaran's THOUGHT FOR THE DAY

Spiritual transition moves us from being focused on material or external things to the exploration of authentic skills and passionate goals.  The bud of the flower that is to bloom is waiting within each of us.  Once it is nurtured through self-discovery, the petals unfold with wonder and joy.  

As we identify with our spirit, we will begin to recognize the spirit residing within others.  We will pay less attention to body language, designer clothes, and labels.  Our eyes will engage with the eyes of others as though they were windows into their souls.

Our inner light attracts the light of others.  We learn to engage in more meaningful conversations which impacts our actions in every day of our lives.   As we are secure in our own transition, we are less likely to judge others.   Our compassion can be felt by others, encouraging them to explore deeper into their true being.

Spiritual transition moves us to the beauty inside of each of us which is more dependable and inspiring than physical beauty on the outside.  As we relax into our spiritual identity, we can navigate our daily lives with more joy, compassion, and understanding.

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