Thursday, June 4, 2015

Humble Home

"The power of finding beauty in the humblest things
makes home happy and life lovely."
Louisa May Alcott

Stepping through the french doors onto the patio, awakens my senses and releases all tangles in my mind.  I am immediately surrounded by peace and calm. Flowers of all shapes, colors, and fragrances, grace our back deck.

This area becomes my sanctuary.  It is filled with flowers, birds, baby bunnies and my lovely Bella.  I find myself sitting for great lengths of time in deep appreciation for these blessings of nature.  My heart becomes filled with love, yearning to spill these feelings into some creative action.  I find myself sketching, journaling, or reading in the stillness of the secluded space.

In this flowering arena, my inner self is drawn to come out and play.  My thoughts are filled with wisdom and my awareness of the greater picture deepens.  Restraints dissolve so perfect union with all there is feels complete.  My eyes gently close as my spirit is free to soar.  The veils gently open and I am finally home.

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