Sunday, June 7, 2015

Anam Cara, Soul Friend

"In Celtic spiritual traditions, it is believed that the soul radiates all about the physical body, what some refer to as an aura.  When you connect with another person and then become completely open and trusting with that individual, your two souls begin to flow together.  Should such a deep bond be truly formed, it is said you have found your Anam Cara or Soul Friend.

John O'Donohue

Soul Friends bless my life.  They are a bright light attracting my attention, trust, and compassion.  There is an absence of judgment which has been replaced by encouragement, wisdom, and hope.  These soul friends have softly offered guidance, demonstrated passions, and shared  personal stories, (the unedited manuscripts).

Soul friends are those individuals whose presence seems to have existed forever.  It is a heart connection that expands beyond time, ancestry, and unearthly realms.  Connecting our gazes,  there is no need for verbal communication.  There is an exchange of simple knowing that is immediately understood.  Even the physical hug speaks volumes to the heart.

The term 'sister of my heart' is how I have labeled these spiritual relationships in the past and  soul friend strikes another chord.  Unless we open ourselves to others, we will not experience this union.  It takes trust, a willingness to run the risk of judgment, and vulnerability.  Avoiding cultural distraction, we focus on the beauty within and the peace if offers.  

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