Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Space Outside of Time

"I liked the solitude and the silence of the woods and the hills.  I felt there the sense of presence, something undefined and mysterious, which was reflected in the faces of the flowers and the movements of birds and animals, in the sunlight falling through the leaves and in the sound of running water, in the wind blowing on the hills and the wide expanse of earth and sky."

Bede Griffiths

Even though I grew up in a bustling city, I had my patch of landscape.  Alone, I would take notice of the movement of trees, the flight of the birds, and the anticipation for nightfall bringing the moon and the stars.  My love for  water was established on the waves of Lake Michigan and then reinforced by paddling a canoe on rivers through Canada.  Returning to the city sounds became so abrasive, I ventured to the banks of the Mississippi River.

Nothing comforts me more than the stillness of nature.  The rippling sounds of water and the singing of the song birds lulls me into a suspended state of bliss.  The boundaries of my physical presence gently slide away, and I find myself in union with all there is in a loftiness unable to be described.

Within this space outside of time, there is healing, connection, and renewal.  All barricades dissolve and the most difficult challenges simply melt away.  Perfect alignment occurs and a sense of self soars with deep appreciation for all there is and for all there is meant to be.

A gentle wind returns me to this world, with a willingness to be fully who I am.  I promise my lovely self I will not forget all that I know ... even though the essence is drifting back into the unknown.

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