Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Other Side of Illusion

"It's not a problem that fear is here.  Fear is a portal that instead of running away or going into a trance, when we let it be the place we pay attention, it actually wakes up love.  It wakes up presence.  It wakes us up to wholeness.  It IS the path."  

Tara Brach

As fear is an illusion shifting into a variety of forms, we can be triggered by various responses.  At our very best, we can view fear as an opening into a learning situation.  If we gather all of our energy to remain still with awareness, we can readily see what particular lesson is being presented.  When we remain centered, we can follow the path deciphering the experience as we go.  Without being distracted by overwhelming emotion, we gather important information to create safe passage through the fear to greater understanding.

Recognize the fear within, as it is unhealthy to ignore it.  Seek what is creating it so we can choose the best reaction.  We can proceed with caution, recognize an old pattern, or create resolve to move through whatever is before us.  

Situations are not always what they appear to be.  When we utilize our will power to momentarily remain still, we are more likely to remain grounded.  We can find ourselves moving through situations, keeping ourselves in tact.  

Fear is a part of life, so it is helpful to have a healthy response.  We learn to gauge the depth of a situation, to be creative in our solution, and to move forward.  Unfortunately, this process may take seconds, hours, or days.  When we remain alert, we remember we have choices and can successfully arrive on the other side of illusion. 

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