Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Identify and Pursue

"Forget conventionalism:  forget what the world thinks
of you stepping out of place;  think your best thoughts,
speak your best words, work your best works, looking
to  your own conscience for approval."

Susan B. Anthony

"Look to your own conscience for approval," is wonderful advice from Susan B. Anthony.  Trusting we each have a healthy conscience, we can allow it to guide us where we need to go.  In the process, we are often called off our familiar path.

When we align our body, mind, and spirit, we can integrate differing parts of our self.  In doing this, we may not feel as comfortable with our life as it has been.  As our diverse parts blend into a comfortable pattern, we may need to find new surroundings physically, intellectually, and spiritually.

Personal resistance can be fear of the change we are seeking.  It often takes a leap of faith to leave the old behind.  Our friends might not understand our new yearnings and they might have to be left behind.  There is no judgment in this as we are not all meant to travel the exact same path.  When we gently fall away from what is familiar, there is room for new possibility. It is through this process of dying and birthing a new realization is formed.

Remaining on the same path, regulated by other opinions, seldom reaps rewards.  We will never permanently meet the needs of someone else.  We will discover 'wholeness' when we endeavor to identify and pursue our own needs.

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