Monday, July 27, 2015

Mastering Authentic Songs

"When we can actually choose the direction of our thoughts instead of 
just letting them run along the grooves of conditioned thinking, 
we become the masters of our own lives."

Eknath Easwaran

Gently, the needle of the phonograph is set into the groove of the black vinyl record and music begins to play.  Sometimes, the needle gets stuck, but with a gentle bump, it will skip slightly, and then move on through the remaining grooves.  

Like a record, my thoughts are embedded into a particular groove.  When I become aware of being stuck,  I gently nudge my attention forward, hoping to find a more positive pathway.  

If there is credibility to thoughts creating our reality, I desperately need to visualize in a more affirming way.  When I consciously raise expectations to be valued, honored and respected and  embrace my positive aspects, my self-worth will over shadow my negative criticisms. 

My energy will play sweet music with the harmonic lyrics of others.   The musical notes will blend together sending an inspiring symphony to the struggling minds of others.  Together, we will lift each other up, mastering our authentic songs.

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