Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Voice Opinion, Once

"But one of the best and most dignified opportunities to stay engaged 
in the world as you grow older is to give a hand to those who come after."

Anna Quindlen

A mentor once told me, "You have an obligation to speak your truth, once."  I was guided to use my voice without anticipation of praise, rejection, or any form of response.  Even if we are wrong, we have the right to voice our opinion ... once.  There is no need to repeat it again within the same exchange.

When we engage with those who are behind us in years, we can offer them our wisdom, but we must respect  space for them to form personal thoughts.  We teach through our actions and gently float our wisdom out into the world and allow it to find a resting place on its own.  

The next generation will sort through all they hear and will blend this with their own thought processes.  We can share in their journey, but it is not up to us to force anyone upon a path.  We all must find our way.  

As an elder, our greatest gift can be found not only in our words, but in our support, encouragement, and willingness to keep an open mind for diversified opinions.  It is important for self-respect  to honor ourselves by speaking our truth.  Then just let it go. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, how appropriate is this reminder! I hear your voice in my head as I sit on my daughter's front porch watching the city awaken. My grandson is nestled in his tiny bassinet as my daughter enjoys a few more minutes of precious rest. How I love to see the young ones growing into their place in the world! I want to be this person you write about... Thank you!
