Friday, July 17, 2015

Replace Memory With Imagination

"Live out of your imagination
instead of out of your memory."

Les Brown

Look beyond the past in order to create a nurturing spiritual, physical, and mental style of living.  We can use our creativity to establish a new template.  If we repeat the same story adding only a different color to the backdrop, history will repeat itself. 

In order to start fresh, one does not build upon an ant hill or an invested foundation.  When we believe in our ability to change and create a new scenario, we can broaden our perspective so that our past recedes into nothingness.  We re-frame our self-talk and adjust into positive thinking.  We learn to trust our instincts and attract beneficial opportunities.

With a creative mind, we can imagine a better life and take the necessary steps to bring it into our reality.  Each day, we can move forward, slowly realizing our dreams.  By releasing the past and taking forward motion, we step into liberation freely becoming an authentically new 'me'!

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